1.I had bacon and eggs for breakfast. Even my 5 year old brother made a special effort to wake up at 6:30 to wish me,give me my gift and to eat breakfast.
2.It was the last day of school for our school because we didn't go on holiday yet.I was pretty excited for those two reasons.
3.My dad made cupcakes for my class and the boys just couldn't wait to eat them.I couldn't blame them though, they were delicious.I had two chocolate moose cupcakes and my BFF Nina had two icing ones.
4.I went to my keyboard lesson.I have three songs to learn in the two week holidays by the way.
5.We watched movies in class for two and a half hours.
6.We went home at 11:00am.
7.I watched movies till it was time to go to church.
8.My cousins,aunts,grand parents and god parents came to have a small party for the family.
9.I went to sleep.
Here is a list of my gifts (there aren't many)
1.A heart shaped necklace.
2.A scarf.
3.A pair of shoes.
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